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M-SUI (10g x 15 sachets)



  • 可以降低胆固醇,帮助脂肪燃烧助于预防病态肥胖
  • 可以帮助减少脂肪的吸收,促进消化健康,有助于消水肿
  • 保持新陈代谢健康,还有助于更快地燃烧卡路里
  • 可以清除体内的毒素并防止便秘
  • 可以帮助患有关节疼痛、类风湿性关节炎的人
  • 可以缓解感冒和流感,减少粘膜炎症来缓解喉咙和鼻子的堵塞
  • 因此可用于治疗哮喘和季节性过敏。

  • 热量低,纤维含量高,有助于增加饱腹感
  • 富含维生素 C 和抗氧化剂,两者都可以支持免疫健康。
  • 可以促进规律性并增强肠道微生物组的健康


  • 可作为食欲抑制剂,有助于减少热量摄入
  • 减少全天的渴望和饥饿感
  • 减少脂肪吸收和增加新陈代谢来帮助减肥


  • 有助于身体燃烧脂肪, 减慢身体吸收脂肪的速度
  • 帮助减少身体炎症


  • 缓解便秘并促进规律排便
  • 帮助治疗便秘和痔疮


  • 可以通过促进新陈代谢来帮助减肥
  • 促进减缓脂肪细胞生成的基因
  • 减少疲劳并提高注意力, 止水分流失来缓解腹泻
  • 富含抗氧化剂


  • 可以稍微提高新陈代谢
  • 从而帮助你少吃东西
  • 抗炎特性心脏健康有益





i)Elderflower Powde

  • Elderflower has been proven to reduce cholesterol and can assist in fat burn in a healthy manner, helping protect against morbid obesity.
  • The flavonoids and minerals present in it can actually help reduce the absorption of fats and promote digestive health, reduce water retention
  • Maintaining metabolic health and also helps to burn calories faster
  • The antioxidants present in it are thought to clear toxins from your body and prevent constipation
  • Has mild anti-inflammatory properties as well as it can help those who suffer from joint pain, rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Oldest herbal remedies for cold and flu relief and exaggerates antibacterial properties as well.
  • Provides relief from blockage of throat and nose by minimizing its inflammation of mucous membrane
    hence making it useful for asthma and seasonal allergies.

ii)Red Orange Fruit Extract

  • low in calories and high in fiber, which can help increase feelings of fullness.
  • High in vitamin C and antioxidants, both of which can support immune health.
  • Good source of fiber, which can promote regularity and enhance the health of the gut microbiome

iii)Extract Blend Powder (Sage, White Mulberry)

  • Sage extract acts as an appetite suppressant which helps to reduce caloric intake.
  • Additionally, its slow-release carbohydrates provide a steadier supply of energy.
  • May help to boost weight loss by reducing fat absorption and increasing metabolism.

iv)Lotus Leaf Extract

  • Helps the body burn fat. Taurine slows the speed with which your body absorbs fat.
  • Act as an antioxidant. Help in reduce body inflammation

v)Senna Leaf Extract

  • Sennoside helping relieve constipation and promoting regular bowel movements.
  • Help in treating constipation and hemorrhoids

vi)Guarana Extract

  • May aid weight loss by boosting metabolism.
  • It has also been found to suppress genes that aid fat cell production and promote genes that slow it down.
  • Reduce fatigue and improve focus. The tannins in guarana may relieve diarrhea by preventing water loss.
  • Rich in antioxidant

vi)Capsicum Extract

  • Some studies have found that capsaicin could slightly increase metabolism, the rate at which you use energy and burn fat.
  • Others have indicated it might also reduce your appetite, which could help you eat less.
  • Capsaicin’s anti-inflammatory qualities are believed to be responsible for its heart-health benefits


Adult: Once a day (after eating), Oral or 120ml of water, stir well or use a shaker, and be prepared to drink.

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